In the year the British Parking Association celebrates its 50th Birthday, Audax as the Global pioneer of Body Worn Video BWV, are pleased to announce our latest Camera system the 20-1 has been shortlisted for V Innovate 2020. – the BPA virtual Parkex Innovation Trail.
View the entries and vote for your winner!
Voting closes on 16 July

A camera being robust and durable for all British climatic conditions is one thing, but having a large front button for operatives to be able to use, without having to take any gloves off, is just one key design feature of our new 20-1 BWV Camera. Being highly visible and overt is key in aiding members of the public recognise it as a camera and thus potentially deterring any attacks, but also ensuring it better meets legislation. The 20-1 Camera is our most user friendly and technically advanced product ever. See here


Launch of the 2020 Belgium ‘aggression and violence against aid workers and police is NEVER OK’ campaign.

For some 8 weeks now, at 8 pm every evening, here in Belgium, whole streets and communities have been showing their support for the aid workers by clapping and sounding car horns. “Behind the scenes” violence aimed at aid workers, even in “Lockdown” has been increasing and it MUST STOP.

This morning (29 May 2020), alongside numerous local and national media representatives, various Union members and staff, Audax attended the campaign launch event in the council chamber of the city of Lier, Belgium.

This year the campaign has a figurehead of local celebrity and Belgian TV presenter, Walter Grootaers, frontman of De Kreuners “The Moans”.  Alongside was Dries Deschilder (Chairman of the Ambulanciers Union) and the “Artist behind the images” Dirk Van der Auwera, who incidentally is also a Police Chief inspector in the city of Lier with over 30 years’ service.

The entire campaign is hoping to gain awareness and engagement with policy makers and employers to start focusing and taking action rather than issuing passive “soundbites”. It is reported that some employers even forbid their staff from reporting incidents so as not to “upset the apple cart” and this too must stop. It is a serious issue and one that has been “brushed under the carpet” for too long here in Belgium.

One of the Key organisers of the event is DVE media operated by Dirk Van Elslande, who is hoping to see this circulated in the local and national press of Belgium. The campaign also runs alongside thousands of posters that have been printed which are now “springing up all over the country” being distributed by the Emergency workers and Sympathizers countrywide too so the message is certainly visually there!

Manging Director of Audax, Adam Liardet commented “With Audax being one of the key campaign sponsors and also the Prime sponsor of the Ambulance Union, (Ambulanciersunie) we are keen to assist where we can to “aid those who help us” in both in the UK, in Belgium and elsewhere.  “While we have proven time and again that our body Worn cameras do mitigate some risk, without a fear of prosecution for an attack on an emergency worker, these attacks will still occur. As the global pioneer of this technology having a product that provides indisputable evidence to support a prosecution is vital.”

He goes on to say “Audax provide technology rich and yet affordable solutions to protect those who help us and anything that raises awareness to this unacceptable problem and encourages employers to take this seriously by treating it as a crime, can only be a good thing in my opinion”. “ I am grateful to the Burgemeester, Frank Boogaerts, for welcoming me to the City of Lier and the local press for their interest in this event, I do hope this message also reaches the ears of those who consider that abusing an aid worker is acceptable and it alters their attitude too”.

We wanted to Communicate and share with you what we are doing in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in order to ensure service continuity.

Our priorities have always been to provide continued and uninterrupted service to our customers and maintaining the safety and well-being of our team and customers. Having been involved in Supplying Public Safety Products for nearly 20 years and all Audax staff having had a military or Law enforcement background we are well experienced and trained to deal with unusual events.

Tried and tested Company

Our infrastructure has been fine-tuned for the work-from-home situation long before the coronavirus outbreak. We have always provided remote work options and several of our Team have taken advantage of this facility over the years. The majority of our talented team have been working from home successfully for the last few years, whilst we’ve also maintained an office presence in Plymouth, Devon.  Our systems have been used, tested and ready for this situation. We use well tried and tested phone, messaging, accounting and project management technologies to ensure we keep on track.

Tried and tested Products

All Audax products are used globally in the frontline by the emergency services. They are independently tested and certified for use in the toughest of climates and meet infection control protocols of not being affected when cleaned with a detergent wipe (Clinell Surgical wipes) or 1 % Sodium Hypochlorite solution.

We continue to run our operations as normal and we don’t anticipate any disruption.

Our system component suppliers are now operating normally, our supply chain is running normally and We are doing our very best to ensure the usual availability and quality of our customer service.

We recognise that these are truly extraordinary times so we want to reassure you that we are here and will be happy to answer any questions, or discuss any concerns or ideas you may have with regard to your body camera solution needs or any other services with which we can support you.

We wish for your health and safety during these unusual times.

Adam Liardet

Managing Director and Founder

The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) is a non-ministerial department of the UK government, reporting to Parliament. Ofsted is responsible for inspecting a range of educational institutions, including state schools and some independent schools. It also inspects childcare, adoption and fostering agencies and initial teacher training, and regulates a range of early years and children’s social care services.

Ofsted inspectors from the inspectorate’s illegal schools taskforce wear Audax body cameras in an attempt to gather the evidence they need to secure more prosecutions against those flouting the law with illegal schools.

The taskforce was set up to investigate groups operating without registering as a school, which may not be following safeguarding or child protection regulations, and lack oversight of teaching and facilities. Says the Guardian Newspaper

Having been announced as a finalist in the Outstanding New Security Product awards category we look forward to join the other worthy finalists at the OSPA’s.

The category winners will be announced at the OSPAs awards dinner

Prior to the Awards evening,  Audax will be attending the OSPA’s Thought Leadership summit 2020  on Wednesday, 26th February, 2020 at the Royal Lancaster London Hotel, where we will be exhibiting our range of Body Worn Video Cameras.

In the early evening, prior to the awards dinner we look forward to welcoming all attendees at the Pre-Diner drinks reception where we are the Drinks Reception Sponsor.

As well as planting trees in Ireland to try to offset our Carbon Emissions due to our attendance at Exhibitions

Audax have been supporting the wonderful handmade work of LDFA Belgium.

The Wonderful Volunteers at LDFA Upcycle old materials to produce dresses and shorts for Orphans and those in need; in disadvantaged countries around the world.

Through Audax’s global network and experience we provide logistical assistance in delivery of these valuable items to these wonderful children.

Audax is delighted to announce it has joined companies such as Deloitte, Capita and Richer Sounds in signing up to the Good Business Charter (GBC), an accreditation that seeks to raise the bar on business practices for employees, tax, the environment, customers and suppliers.

Audax is proud to be the first in the Security sector to join the GBC.  It has never been more important for businesses to regain trust and show they care about more than just profit.

The Good Business Charter exists for all companies and charities with 10 employees or more across all industries and sectors and works through a simple online self-certification process.  At a time when people are caring more about who they work for and who they buy from, the Good Business Charter offers a straightforward accreditation which recognises organisations which prioritise and care for their employees, the environment, customers and suppliers, whilst also paying their taxes according to the spirit of the law.  The GBC and its members seek to inspire many other businesses to follow suit.

The Good Business Charter has the support of both the CBI and the TUC which both have trustee representation on its board. Other partners of the GBC include the Living Wage Foundation and the Prompt Payment Code.

Chairman of the GBC board, Simon Fox, said: “The Good Business Charter brings together 10 standards, most of which already exist, but in separate places. We have bought them together to give a coherent overall position for businesses to aspire to. We believe that the GBC has enormous potential to change business practice for good.  We hope that because of its simplicity and cost effectiveness, it will quickly gain support.”

Managing Director of Audax Adam Liardet, said: “As Audax® were worldwide Pioneers in Body Worn Video (BWV) technology, we are also proud to be one of the first businesses to adopt the Good Business Charter. Providing award winning products is one thing, but having recognition for how we conduct ourselves as a business is of particular importance to Audax.

Every responsible organisation should aspire to reach the highest possible standards in the way they conduct themselves. Being able to publicly prove and advertise a commitment to achieving and supporting the 10 components that make up The Good Business Charter we hope encourages and inspires others to also be a responsible business”

Audax featured in “The 2020 Tech List: 30 South West businesses at the cutting edge of technology and innovation”.

The list showcases 30 of Devon and Cornwall’s cutting-edge businesses. It isn’t Just Cream Teas, The Mayflower and Plymouth Gin in Devon, there are some really innovative companies at the cutting edge of Technology down here too! See the other brilliant 29 companies here

2019 was a good Year for Audax. We manged to triple our turnover and cement our manufacturing and supply chain partnerships. We have yet again invested in R&D and will be launching new products as Silver sponsor @ BAPCO 10/11th March in Coventry. Solid ground work is now in place to recruit additional team members and expansion of our global network of partners and distributors is gaining pace. As pioneers in the Body Worn Video (BWV) industry, our subject and legislative knowledge is often “deeper” than others and it means our customers are finding considerable additional benefits and value in their dealings with us. What also sets us apart is the fact that the Audax® team is predominantly composed of service veterans, former police officers and security professionals which has meant that we would never manufacture or supply a system that we wouldn’t have been happy with, if we were still in uniform.

The ERS recognises commitment and support from UK employers for defence personnel. The scheme comprises bronze, silver and gold awards for employers who support those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, and their families.

Audax recognises the contribution that the members of the Armed Forces make to the nation through their service and has signed the Armed Forces Covenant, to pledge our support of the Armed Forces Community. As part of our pledge, we support: the employment of veterans; our employees who choose to be members of the Reserve Forces (including the establishment of Reservist HR procedures); and our local cadet units, either in local community or local schools, where possible.

We all have a role to play in ensuring that the Armed Forces community is not disadvantaged by service, and by employing veterans we gain hugely from their direct experience of the operational environment, and their personal appreciation of customer needs and aspirations. When people leave the armed forces, they do so with unique skills and experiences that directly benefit our business. Their potential contribution should never be underestimated and thus are our preferred first choice in any recruitment that we have to undertake. Thus all employees are ex-service people and most of our contractors and consultants too.

One of our Directors is a Courageous Volunteer Guide (CVGs). These guides are a group of former RN personnel, who provide visitors with an in-depth tour of Courageous and the Submarine Service. As the name suggests, they are all volunteer for this and receive absolutely no payment for either the tours they take or for the travel to / from the boat. H.M.S. Courageous was the last of the Valiant Class submarines. She was commissioned in 1971 and decommissioned in 1992.

Since 2002, HMS Courageous has been open to visitors as a “Submarine Museum” and provides a fascinating glimpse into the operational world of the ‘Silent Service’. In 2012 Courageous celebrated 10 years’ service as the only nuclear submarine on public display in the United Kingdom and one of only 2 in Europe

What also makes Audax DNA? Our company name comes from part of a regimental motto. Both Company Directors are ex-servicemen themselves. A large number of our customers around the Globe have served in their respective countries Armed forces so we share a “bond” with all. It is this “Bond” of experience that provides an instant mutual respect and trust. You will always find the Audax stand at an Exhibition or Event with the Regiments Flag as a “rally point” for all “Once a Rifleman always a Rifleman”.

Audax cameras are worn by street wardens, Parking Enforcement officers, Night-Time Economy wardens, Street Marshals and environmental crime enforcement staff working in City and town centers throughout the UK. Featured in this article are the wardens in Plymouth. Read more.